Bedwetting Relief
"I just wanted to give you an update. Ian has had 11-12 dry nights in the last 2 weeks. Yea!!  The string of good nights actually started when we went down to my Dad's house for my step-mom's funeral and I had broken my foot the day before.  The alarm and the hypnotherapy together I think was the solution for Ian. He had the alarm on for about 9-10 of the dry nights and the alarm got left at his dad's house so he has had 2 nights dry without the alarm. He feels great!
Thanks you so much. "
Amy L.
Imagine having dinner with your child who has enueresis and he pours himself a huge glass of milk and you don't think twice about it. My 9 1/2 half year old son has gone through hypnotherapy with Seth-Deborah Roth and is dry at night. We have worked for five years to help him be dry at night with no success; withholding liquids after 4 in the afternoon, waking him up at night multiple times, using the bedwetting alarm only to find him soundly asleep, wet, with the alarm sounding time and time again. We did make sure that he had no physical problems before we began therapy with Seth-Deborah. Our son was dry 5 of seven nights from the first week of treatment, and the success only increase to being totally dry after 3 sessions. Seth-Deborah has a calm and gentle way that made our son trust her and follow her wise words of encouragement. Furthermore, the hypnotherapy has helped him with his focus during sports games and homework. We are so very grateful to Seth-Deborah and so glad to see our son so proud of himself. He has gained a tool he will be able to use for the rest of his life.

Thrilled Parents  (Jana C.)

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