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Hypnosis Works for Pain Control

The Institute for the Study of Healthcare Organizations & Transactions has a study on the effectiveness of hypnosis.

The Power of the Mind for Pain

An exciting study has just been published in The Journal of Neuroscience, documenting the release of natural painkillers based solely on the belief, or mental attitude, of the patient -- the first published, quantifiable proof that mind indeed controls matter.

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A Deeper View of Hypnosis from the Mayo Clinic

This is a more involved study of hypnosis fron the Mayo Clinic. The original Mayo brothers were very interested in hypnosis. Click on the above link to read the whole article with references to over 140 articles of research.

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Hypnosis and Diabetes
Hypnosis can help diabetics to dramatically improve their condition. Learn a hypnosis technique in this article.
Research on Hypnosis and the Brain
A fMRI experiment has shown that the hypnotised mind is consciously able to manipulate pain perception.
A Harvard Study Regarding Hypnosis and Healing
 The Harvard Gazette had an article regarding the use of hypnosis to help surgical wounds mend faster.
New Research on Neuron Growth
 New Research regarding Alzheimers gives weight to the fact that we CAN rewire our brain throughout our life.
Hypnosis and the Limbic System
I thought it might be interesting to review what is meant by the term Limbic System
Hypnosis in Canada
 Patients trade pills for hypnosis
A Study of Hypnosis and Cancer Quality of Life
Hypnosis is an allied therapy to improve the quality of life of cancer patients
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Use of Hypnosis Discussed by The American Cancer Society


Hypnosis is a state of restful alertness during which a person uses deeply focused concentration. The person can be relatively unaware of, but not completely blind to, her or his surroundings, and may be more open to suggestion. It is considered to be a type of complementary therapy. ....


Hypnosis is one of several relaxation methods that has been approved by an independent panel, convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), as a useful complementary therapy for treating chronic pain. Hypnosis may also be effective in reducing fear and anxiety, reducing the frequency and severity of headaches, and controlling bleeding and pain during dental procedures. There is no scientific evidence that hypnosis can influence the development or progression of cancer. However, it can help to improve the quality of life for some people with cancer. ...

More info...

Using Hypnosis with Cancer Study by NGH member Scot Giles
Scot Giles has done specific research on the outcomes of cancer patients who use hypnosis.
Cancer-Related Articles
Discussions of uses of hypnosis in dealing with the turmoil of cancer.
Hypnosis Utilized During Cancer Treatment

A wonderful article by a NYU-Bellevue Hosital doctor in New York City.

Hypnotherapy for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in England

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) would seem to be a disorder that might be amenable to treatment with hypnosis. There is no structural damage and the various possible underlying mechanisms such as disordered motility and visceral (internal) sensitivity might be susceptible to modulation by the mind. Thus, nearly 20 years ago, we undertook the first controlled trial of hypnotherapy in this disorder. The results were extremely encouraging and eventually led us to developing a hypnotherapy unit dedicated to the provision of this service. ......

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Neuroimaging and Hypnosis

Now, in the past decade or so and with the advent of

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Hypnosis and "Top-Down" Brain Mechanisms

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Physical Effects of the Placebo Effect
Placebos aren't a substitute for real medicine. But the research suggests maybe doctors should try to manipulate patients' treatment expectations, for at least some hard-to-treat conditions. "The bigger question is how do we capitalize on the placebo effect," said Dr. Helen Mayberg of Emory University
Guided Imagery for Children's Surgery
Here is an article from Forbes magazine, regarding a study in using Guided Imagery (which is nothing more than self-hypnosis), for children before and after surgery.
Hypnosis Comparisions in "Psychotherapy" Magazine

  Alfred A. Barrios, PhD., in "Psychotherapy" magazine (volume 7, Number 1), compared various techniques for psychologically based change. The techniques that proved to generate the greatest success in providing lasting change were as follows:

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A Potpourri of Studies
More and more doctors now realize that hypnosis is powerful medicine. Why this is and how it happens is still something of a mystery, but science is proving that hypnosis can improve your health in amazing ways. It can help relieve pain, make breathing easier for people with respiratory illnesses, aid with gastrointestinal ailments and relieve depression just to name a few. The most astonishing evidence is coming from research on healing.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy for IBS

 Hypnosis has been shown to be beneficial to as many as 80% of those participating in studies This makes it more effectove for managing the symptoms of IBS than any other approach. You can go to the link  below to see the complete research done by Palsson which is part of the protocol I use. One must be a properly licensed professional in order to use his protocol .

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Hypnosis on Gut-Empyting Study

Prokinetic effect of gut-oriented hypnosis on gastric emptying.

by Chiarioni G, Vantini I, De Iorio F, Benini L 

Department of Gastroenterology, Rehabilitation Hospital of Valeggio s/M, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.

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All in Your Head?
I want to share this article from the Wall Street Journal "" March 17, 2006 . It has to do with the understanding of the fact of just how our mind influences our body. I personally believe more and more that the use of hypnosis can influence tremendous change. Here is the article, just click on the link above:
Hypnosis for Non-Cardiac Chest Pain

A study from the March 2006 issue of the medical journal "Gut", talks about hypnosis being successful for patients with non-cardiac chest pain. I want to emphasize that these patients were first checked to make sure that there was no cardiac reasons for the chest pain and no heartburn!

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Hypnosis for Cancer Patients in Scotland
Hypnosis helps cancer patients
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Hypnosis Reduces Surgical Pain, Time and Improves Safety

The website, a highly respected source for medical news, reports that “People who used self-hypnotic relaxation techniques during surgery needed less pain medication, left the operating room sooner, and had more stable vital signs during the operation…”  This research was conducted at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.  This was a “large randomized clinical trial [which] included 241 people who underwent interventional radiology procedures…”  This is just the kind of real empirical research than needs to be done in our profession, and I for one am very happy to see it.  The article goes on to describe more precisely how the group benefited and the hypnotic procedures used. Use the link for the whole article. 

Hypnosis for Pre-Cardiac Surgery Patients
At Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, Dr. Mehmet Oz is using hypnosis and other complementary care techniques to improve the outcome for his patients before they are having cardiac surgery.
Hypnosis and Alopecia

Hypnotherapeutic management of alopecia areata.

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Hypnosis in Dentistry
 J Oral Rehabil. 2006 Jul;33(7):496-500. 

Changes in neurophysiologic parameters in a patient with dental anxiety by hypnosis during surgical treatment.

by Eitner S, Scgutze-Moshau S, Heckman J, Wichmann M, Holst S

Department of Prosthodontics, Maxillofacial Surgery and Neurology and Psychiatry, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.

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Hypnotherapy and Allopecia
Researchers from the Department of Dermatology at Academic Hospital/Free University in Brussels, investigated the influence of hypnotherapy on alopecia areata or AA (a condition of rapid hair loss). Hypnosis was used in 28 patients with extensive AA whose condition was resistant to earlier conventional treatments. The hypnotherapy was either added as a complementary treatment or used as the only treatment. In all, 21 patients, 9 with total alopecia and 12 with extensive alopecia, were involved during a 5-year period. After treatment, all patients had a significantly lower score for anxiety and depression. Scalp hair growth of 75% to 100% was seen in 12 patients after 3 to 8 sessions of hypnotherapy. Total growth occurred in 9 of these 12 patients, including 4 patients with alopecia universalis and 2 with ophiasis. In 5 patients, a significant relapse occurred. Although this is a preliminary study with a limited number of patients, and a larger randomized study is necessary, these results are very encouraging, demonstrating that hypnotherapy may improve clinical outcomes of people with alopecia. Citation: Willemsen R, Vanderlinden J, Deconinck A, Roseeuw D. Hypnotherapeutic management of alopecia areata. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Aug;55(2):233-7. Epub 2006 Mar 20. .
Hypnosis for Emergencies

ISERSON, Arizona Bioethics Programs and Section of Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson 85718 USA writes that hypnosis can diminish pain and anxiety for many emergency patients during examinations and procedures. Although hypnosis has been used for millennia and was demonstrated to be of use in clinical medicine over a century ago, modern physicians have been reluctant to adopt hypnosis in clinical practice.

Hypnosis for Pediatric Asthma

Title :   The Impact of Relaxation and Hypnosis on Medical Resources Utilization in Pediatric Asthma

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Effects of Stress on the Body

"Researcher Hans Selye and others have discovered that over long periods of time stress depletes the body of energy, accelerates natural aging and the deterioration of the body. Diseases of premature aging and deterioration among others include: heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and musculoskeletal degeneration. Current opinion is that persistent unrelenting stress ages the body by distorting its normal physiologic balance. Much research has been done on the effect of stress on the function of the immune system. Steroids and other neuropeptide transmitters released by the brain at times of stress, appear to reduce immune surveillance, which is our own natural defense against infections agents and abnormal (cancerous) cells."

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Hypnosis for Cancer Pain

"A review panel appointed by the National Institutes of Health found "strong evidence" for the use of hypnosis in alleviating pain associated with cancer..."

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Effects of Hypnosis on the Immune System

"Ohio State University College of Medicine analyzed the effects of hypnotic-relaxation training on cellular immune function during a stressful event. Control subjects showed stress-related decreases in immune cell proliferative responses to two mitogens and percentages of CD3+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes and interleukin-1 production by peripheral blood leukocytes. Subjects who underwent hypnosis-relaxation were, on average, protected from these immunological changes . More frequent hypnotic-relaxation practice resulted in higher percentages of CD3+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes."

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Treatment of Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea with Hypnotherapy

American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Apr 2004 by Hammond, D Corydon

Tschugguel, W., & Berga, S. L. (2003). Treatment of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea with hypnotherapy. Fertility & Sterility, 80(4), 982-985. The objective of this uncontrolled clinical study was to determine the effects of hypnotherapy on resumption of menstruation in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA). Twelve consecutive women with FHA were selected and received a single 45- to 70-minute session of hypnotherapy. The patients were observed for 12 weeks. They were asked whether or not menstruation resumed and whether or not well-being and self-confidence changed. Within the 12 weeks, 9 out of 12 patients (75%) resumed menstruation. all of the patients, including those who did not menstruate, reported several beneficial side effects such as increased general well-being and increased self-confidence. The authors concluded that hypnotherapy could be an efficacious and time-saving treatment option that also avoids the pitfalls of pharmacological modalities for women with FHA

Hypnosis and Fertility

A recent Israeli study showed that the success rate of IVF treatments doubled in his test group from 14% to 28%, when the subjects underwent hypnosis during implantation. Professor Eliahu Levitas conducted this study with 185 women.

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Fertility and Stress and Depression

Research studies have documented the correlation between stress and infertility since the 1980s.

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A New Study Regarding Using Hypnosis for Breast Biopsy

The study was presented November 29, 2006 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

Hypnosis, can help reduce a woman's pain and anxiety during breast biopsy. Dr. Elvira V. Lang, associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School, said "The findings show that nonpharmacologic means can be very powerful -- without side effects," The study included 236 women treated at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who were randomly assigned three types of care while undergoing outpatient large-core needle biopsy. Seventy-six of the women received standard care; 82 received structured "empathetic attention" from a person specifically assigned to be responsive to the women's needs; and 78 of the women induced self-hypnotic relaxation under instruction from a trained research assistant. The women in the hypnosis group were instructed to roll their eyes upward, close their eyes, breathe deeply, focus on a sensation of floating, and imagine a pleasant setting. Before the start of their biopsies, all the women had heightened anxiety levels. During the procedure, anxiety increased significantly in the standard care group, did not change in the empathy group, and decreased significantly in the hypnosis group. All three groups reported pain during the procedure, but the women in the empathy and hypnosis groups reported less pain than those in the standard care group. The researchers also found that the hypnosis group had the shortest procedure times and lowest cost.

To see the actual abstract click on the link below

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Hypnoanesthesia in the Morbidly Obese

JAMA. 1985 Jun 14;253(22):3292-4.
Hypnoanesthesia in the morbidly obese.
Morris DM, Nathan RG, Goebel RA, Blass NH.

The advent of chemical anesthesia relegated hypnosis to an adjunctive role in patients requiring major operations. Anesthesia can be utilized with acceptable risk in the great majority of patients encountered in modern practice. But an occasional patient will present--such as one with morbid obesity--who needs a surgical procedure and who cannot be safely managed by conventional anesthetic techniques. This report describes our experience with such a patient and illustrates some of the advantages and disadvantages of hypnoanesthesia. The greatest disadvantage is that it is unpredictable. Close cooperation between the patient, hypnotist, anesthesiologist, and surgeon is critical. However, the technique may be utilized to remove very large lesions in selected patients. Hypnoanesthesia is an important alternative for some patients who cannot and should not be managed with conventional anesthetic techniques.

Hypnosis Doubles Weight Loss

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Study How Hypnosis for Pain at European Neuological Society

MRI Study Shows How Hypnosis Eases Pain: Presented at ENS

    By Thomas S. May

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Hypnosis Study for FAP and IBS

Hypnosis for Functional Abdominal Pain & Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Source: Vlieger AM, Menko-Frankenhuis C, Wolfkamp SC, et al. Hypnotherapy for children with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Gastroenterology. 2007;133(3):1430–1436; doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2007.08.072[CrossRef][Medline]

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C-Section with Hypnosis in Iran

First cesarean with hypno-anesthesia
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 02:32:19

For the first time in the country, Iranian doctors have used hypnosis as the sole anesthetic to deliver a baby via cesarean section.

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Hynosis and IVF sudy

Hypnosis can double the success rate of IVF treatment, researchers have claimed...

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Needle Phobia

Brief hypnosis for severe needle phobia using switch--wire imagery in a 5-year old.

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Stress and How it Affects Us

Newswise — BACKGROUND:
Every cell contains a tiny clock called a telomere, which shortens each time the cell divides. Short telomeres are linked to a range of human diseases, including HIV, osteoporosis, heart disease and aging. Previous studies show that an enzyme within the cell, called telomerase, keeps immune cells young by preserving their telomere length and ability to continue dividing.

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Hypnotherapy Minimizes Hot Flashes in Menopause and Breast Cancer Therapy Patients

Baylor Study Finds Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy Minimizes Hot Flashes
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Hypnosis for Chronic Pain
A study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders in September 
reports positive effects of hypnosis for the treatment of chronic 
widespread pain.

Hypnosis is not routinely used in general treatment programs in the 
United States, but is garnering more attention is recent years, as 
scientists search for effective, holistic treatment options for 
chronic pain. Many small studies have shown that hypnosis can provide 
at least temporary pain relief, and may also lead to a reduction in 
pain over time. Such approaches to pain management can enhance quality 
of life and reduce disability related to chronic pain.
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