"The easiest way to break bad habits is through hypnosis"

                                                   - Newsweek Magazine

Call (510) 690-0699 Today for a Free Confidential Phone Consultation
or email me at SethDeborah@HypnotherapyForHealth.com

Medical Hypnosis and hypnosis and hypnotherapy in Castro Valley in East Bay, Castro Valley California near San Francisco Bay Area near San Leandro, Oakland, Hayward, Pleasanton, Union City, and Fremont. Medical hypnosis for stop smoking, , , , , , s,weight loss, pain control, pain management, stress reduction. Hypnosis is an effective tool for phobias and self improvement. Hypnosis has so many variation of names, like hypnosis, hypnotism, hypnotist, hypnotize, hypnotherapy, hypnotherapist, hypnotic,  Close to Castro Vally Bart and to all Castro Valley centers. Do not let pain dominate your life, let a mature female hypnotist take control of your discomfort, relax you, release the stress, drive away the impact. Clinical hypnosis in Castro Valley, Union City, Fremont,Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo in the East Bay Area near San Francisco, California. Hypnosis Training is also available as Seth-Deborah is a Certified Instructor in Hypnosis through the National Guild of Hypnosis. Seth-Deborah practices complementary medical hypnosis.Hypnotherapy For Health is proud to serve the following cities: San Carlos, San Mateo, Redwood City, San Francisco, Daly City, San Bruno, Burlingame, Woodside, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Mountainview, San Jose, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Fremont, Hayward, Alameda, Oakland, and Berkeley California.

Seth-Deborah Roth



How we can help you
Weight Control and Lose Weight Naturally
Weight Control and Lose Weight Naturally

Hypnosis is the bridge to your subconscious mind. When the subconscious mind is in conflict with the conscious mind (that part of you that wants to stay on that food plan - your "willpower") you have self sabotage. Hypnosis can help you release the reasons you have been hanging onto those old ways of behavior, then, new ways to be can happen easily and effortlessly. Easily you choose new foods. Easily you choose smaller portions and pay attention to your body's signals. The University of Connecticut says about weight loss hypnosis: “An analysis of five weight loss studies reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology in 1996 showed that the ‘…weight loss reported in the five studies indicates that hypnosis can more than double the effects’ of traditional weight loss approaches”.


Clinical studies show how hypnosis helps with weight loss:

    • In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non-hypnosis group showed no
      further results 
      (Journal of Clinical Psychology 1985).


    • In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis
      lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting
      and Clinical Psychology
      , 1986).


  • In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT 
    by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996).
  • According to Karen Olness, Professor at Case Western School of Medicine, "hypnosis works by harnessing your imagination."


    In one clinical study, psychologists put 109 overweight individuals on a medically supervised weight-loss program. Some of the folks used hypnosis and others did not. After about nine weeks, both these focus groups had lost the same amount of weight... but here's the part that should interest you:

    At 8-month and 2-year intervals, the participants who received hypnosis had lost additional weight or kept their weight better... than those who didn't.


According to the authoritative review of empirically validated treatments by the Chambless task force of the American Psychological Association the using of hypnosis for weight loss is, at least based on their scientific criteria, the single most evidence-based application of hypnotherapy.

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Stop Smoking
Stop Smoking

Hypnosis works so well for smoking cessation! Hypnosis is the most effective way to quit smoking, according to the largest scientific study on the topic. It is twice as effective as any of the medical methods for quitting (Viswesvaran & Schmidt, 1992, cf. Matthews, 1992).  Seth-Deborah helps you stop smoking in a single session.You leave the office being a non smoker. You are in control. There is no person, thought or event that will ever cause you to smoke again! No longer will you ever take that poison into your body for you are in control!

A study presented October 22, 2007 at the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians found that hypnosis was more than twice as effective as quitting "cold turkey," and over three times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy.

There are new boxed warnings on the inserts of Chantix and Zyban

Boxed warnings are VERY serious  !!!!!

Popular Stop-Smoking Drugs to Carry Mental Health Risk Warnings

ABC News 

Popular Stop-Smoking Drugs to Carry Mental Health Risk Warnings
ABC News
The US Food and Drug Administration said it will immediately require boxed warnings about the risk of serious neuropsychiatric symptoms on the packaging of two popular smoking cessation drugs -- varenicline (Chantix) and buproprion (Zyban ...
FDA Warning on Stop-Smoking DrugsWebMD
Two anti-smoking drugs to carry mental-health warningsCNN
Suicide Warnings for 2 Anti-Smoking DrugsNew York Times

Ellen Degeneres gets hypnotized video

Matt Damon gets hypnotized video


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Chronic Pain Management
Chronic Pain Management

A doctors referral is needed before we can start using hypnosis. You will learn how to feel in control again. I remember how it was for me before I started using hypnosis. My life is so much better now. I will teach you all that I know and I will teach you how to manage yourself. My goal is to give you all the tools you need so that you can be lead a functioning happy life again.

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Often, people with chronic medical conditions loose their motivation. Hypnosis is the "perfect" tool for in helping to get back one's motivation or find it for the first time. In diabetes, daily pills or injections can become a chore. Hypnosis can help to even block the sensation of a needle stick. Motivate yourself to start or stick with your exercise program. Start your body building up muscle so you can have better metabolism.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The NIH (National Institute of Health) has recognized hypnosis as a method in dealing with Irritable Bowel. One of the first studies of hypnotherapy for IBS was conducted by Dr Peter Whorwell, a leading expert on IBS and hypnotherapy in the UK. A trial he conducted in the 1980s found that a group of IBS sufferers who had failed to respond to other treatments showed dramatic improvements when treated with gut-directed hypnotherapy. He said that over 20 years of study has shown that  hypnosis improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and can even alter the underlying physical problems that cause the symptoms.

 Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD, chairman of the National Women's Health Network in Washington D.C., says that hypnosis should be the treatment of choice for cases of IBS which have not responded to conventional therapy.

Regarding using hypnosis for IBS  gastroenterologist Cynthia M. Yoshida, MD, director of the Women's GI Clinic at the Digestive Health Center of Excellence at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville says "I'm a believer," 

Dr Graeme D. Smith from University of Edinburgh studied 75 patients with IBS, before and after they took part in hypnosis sessions. The 20 men and 55 women who took part in the study reported that hypnotherapy brought about significant improvements in the physical and emotional symptoms related to IBS.

Hypnotherapy is one of the best known and most widely used treatments for IBS, and can offer sufferers a drug-free solution to their symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and bloating. In "gut directed hypnotherapy" we take the general techniques of hypnotherapy and apply them directly to the abdominal pain and digestive symptoms which IBS sufferers struggle with. This type of hypnotherapy has been clinically tested and found to be very helpful to many IBS patients.

A new study shows hypnosis as an effective, long-term therapy for irritable bowel syndrome. In the largest long-term study of hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome to date, seven out of 10 patients reported an improvement in symptoms after treatment.

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Hypnosis will help with the various symptoms of Fibromyalgia. The sessions focus on the easing of pain, restoring normal sleep patterns, relaxation and stress management, releasing anxiety and depression, increasing ones energy and what is so important - establishing a feeling of  "being in control".

In one study published in the Journal of Rheumatology, 40 Fibromyalgia patients were randomly assigned to treatment with either hypnotherapy or physical therapy for 12 weeks and followed up at 24 weeks. The patients in the hypnotherapy group showed a significantly better outcome with respect to pain reduction, fatigue on awakening, sleep patterns and global assessment at 12 and 24 weeks. In addition, the patients treated with hypnotherapy showed a significant improvement in their overall levels of discomfort. The authors concluded that hypnotherapy was effective in relieving the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

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I use a combination of hypnosis and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) techniques to rid you of that phobia. As easily as you learn something you can unlearn it.


Since 1995 the National Institute of Health has strongly recommended hypnosis to treat insomnia (“Integration,” 1995).

For those with sleep apnea, hypnosis can be used to diminish the sensation of wearing the CPAP mask.

I myself suffered with insomnia for many years. Hypnosis is what worked! I will teach you about the necessary "good sleep hygiene" habits that you need, then we will go on to using hypnosis to reach your subconscious mind.

A recent study performed at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine’s Sleep Disorders Center wanted to find out if hypnotherapy would be useful as a treatment for parasomnias. Researchers followed 36 patients for a five-year period to see if hypnotherapy alleviated parasomnias and caused lasting change.

Thirty-six patients suffering from a range of parasomnias and ranging in age from 6 to 71 years took part in the study. Children are more susceptible to parasomnias than adults, and 4 of the study participants were aged 6 to 16 years. Each patient was administered 1 to 2 hypnotherapy sessions. Follow-up assessments were given at 1 month, 18 months, and 5 years.

At 1 month post-hypnotherapy, 45.4% of the patients were free of all parasomnia symptoms. At 18 months, 42.2% were symptom-free, and at 5 years 40.5% were still without parasomnia incident. Researchers concluded that hypnotherapy is indeed a viable treatment for parasomnias.

This may also point to hypnotherapy as a way to alleviate stress or depression. Because stress and depression are common causes of parasomnias, the hypnotherapy may be working because it reduces the underlying stress or depression.

Some patients don’t respond to hypnotherapy; certain people are just more susceptible to the hypnotic state. Still, the results of this study positively favor the use of hypnotherapy as a relatively cost effective and side effect free option for treating parasomnias.


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Stress Reduction
Stress Reduction

Stress is the precursor of many physical ills. It can start with high blood pressure that can influence many different organs of the body. Stress can also lead to muscle tightness with chronic back and neck problems or strain. It is known that chronic stress start a cascading negative effect of your body's immune system.

Hypnosis for Childbirth and Fertility
Hypnosis for Childbirth and Fertility

Seth-Deborah became a certified HypnoBirthing® practitioner in 2000. She combines her knowledge of the delivery process (having worked in Labor & Delivery as a Nurse Anesthetist since 1975) with her knowledge of the power of hypnosis to ease the birth process.

Hypnosis has a long history of being used to facilitate more comfortable births.

Cyna, McAuliffe, and Andrew (2004) found that women using hypnotic anesthesia for birth not only rated their labor pain as less severe, they generally required less opioid use, with some not requiring pharmacological analgesia at all in the labor process. Mairs (1995) found that women trained in the use of hypnosis reported significantly lower ratings of both pain and anxiety following birth. Moya and James (1960) found that babies whose mothers used hypnosis to facilitate birth had a during the first hour of life showed a significantly greater ability to recover from the asphyxia or deficient supply of oxygen which accompanies birth.

Since 1995 the National Institutes of Health has strongly recommended hypnosis as a treatment for physical pain

It has also been established that stress can influence one fertility. Stress can put the fallopian tubes into spasm and we all know that stress can stop the menses. Hypnotherapy is a way to deal with any stresses or fears and tension that may be getting in the way of getting pregnant or having a successful pregnancy. A study in Israel foudn that hypnosis helped in the implantation process during in-vitro fertilization.

"Fertility can be restored in women by the use of behavioral therapy, thus avoiding recourse to expensive medicines and complex procedures," cited Scientist and Professor Sarah L. Berga (Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.) Berga reported on her latest research in an address to the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology, June 20, 2006.

Stress "Harms Brain In The Womb," confirmed Professor Vivette Glover of Imperial College, London (1/26/07) who found high levels of cortisol in the amniotic fluid bathing the baby in the womb during situations of maternal stress. Her research demonstrated that the unborn child is an aware, reactive human being responsive to the mother's emotional states. Her work suggest maternal stress is a true risk factor in its own right and calls for interventions.

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The magazine Pschology Today stated that "Hypnosis gives you more confidence" and the Detroit Free Press stated "U.S. Olympic athletes use hypnosis to win". It only makes sense that hypnosis is a tool to use to increase ones motivation.

Preparing for Surgery
Preparing for Surgery

In a study, researchers from Yale University tested the effects of hypnosis right before outpatient surgery.

The researchers said anxiety levels of those who underwent hypnosis were 68 percent lower after hypnosis.

Researchers said it's important to cut down on anxiety about surgeries because anxiety has been linked to increased need for painkillers and longer hospital stays.

The hypnotic session lasted for 45 minutes with an anesthesiologist trained in hypnosis on hand, suggesting relaxation and well-being.

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Intra Operative Healing
Intra Operative Healing

Studies show that sometimes people can appear totally unconscious during anesthesia yet upon awakening they can remembering statements said during the actual surgery. It is obvious that this would not always desirable! Seth-Deborah believes that healing statements should be the only thing that you are hearing during your surgery. Specific healing statements are listened during your surgery based upon the specific needs of your surgery. Muscles are more relaxed, bleeding is lessened and your body experiences less traumas. You also require less anesthetic and wake up sooner and therefore you can heal faster.

Hypnosis and Healing
Hypnosis and Healing

Marie McBrown was invited to test whether or not hypnosis would help heal the scars from her breast surgery. Marie (not her real name) and 17 other women underwent surgery to reduce their breast size.

It's a common operation for women whose breasts are large enough to cause back and shoulder strain, interfere with routine tasks, or prompt social and psychological problems. The pain and course of healing from such surgery is well-known, and a team of researchers headed by Carol Ginandes of Harvard Medical School and Patricia Brooks of the Union Institute in Cincinnati wanted to determine if hypnosis could speed wound healing and recovery.

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Intensive Care in the Hospital
Intensive Care in the Hospital

Clients in an Intensive Care setting can benefit with deeper more quality rest speeding up their recovery process. Cardiac clients are better able to balance their blood pressure, regulate their breathing and heart rate. Secretions, bleeding and tolerating procedures can be managed more effectively with hypnotherapy.

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Cancer Treatment Support
Cancer Treatment Support
It helps Oncology clients to reduce stress and anxiety, altering sensory perception to minimize pain, relieves nausea, vomiting, respiratory distress and even preventing hair loss. In addition, it can offer increased confidence, self-image and to more easily accept the restrictions of a chronic condition, or to even help manage end of life transition.
Bedwetting or Eneuresis
Bedwetting or Eneuresis

Once it has been ruled out that there are no important physical reasons for the bedwetting, hypnosis has been found to be a wonderful way to let your child learn how to be in control. Children respond very well to active visualization and easily go into the "control room of their mind".

Dermatolgic Conditions
Dermatolgic Conditions

Patients suffering from psoriasis were hypnotized and some patients had quite an improvement. The ones who improved were those who were very hypnotizable. Eczema and warts are know to respond to hypnosis.


Hypnosis works for infertility also. Prof. Levitas, of Soroka Hospital in Israel, studied a group of women having in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In the group selected for hypnosis, right before the embryos were being transferred into the woman's uterus, she was hypnotized to relax during the implantation procedure. In this study twice as many women in the group who were hypnotized actually became pregnant. In the group where the women were told to relax but were not hypnotized, half as many became pregnant.

Hypnosis for Teens
Hypnosis for Teens

Self hypnosis could be useful in aiding treatment for children suffering from anxiety, research has suggested.

A small study found that hypnotherapy helped psychological treatment in reducing anxiety and feelings of helplessness in students.

The effects of hypnotherapy were found to be greater than those of more traditional relaxation techniques.

The research, conducted at Hampshire Hypnotherapy Centre, was revealed to the British Psychological Society.

Hypnosis is also useful in preparing for test and the college boards. 

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Urge Incontinence
Urge Incontinence

As the wife of a Urologist, (who treats Urge Incontinence and Over Active Bladder problems) functioning not only as the office nurse but also the clinical hypnotherapist, I help people use hypnosis or cognitive therapy for retraining of Urge Incontinence. There was a clinical study  that presented at American Urological Association in 2009, showing how hypnosis helps for Urge Incontinence.

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Copyright (c) 2007 Seth-Deborah Roth
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